
A hotel for tomorrow that reflects yesterday’s Oostenburg



During the 17th and 18th centuries Oostenburg was a VOC shipyard. Later it was where several major Dutch industrial companies established themselves and flourished. Now this brownstone area is undergoing a further transformational phase by becoming a mixed living and working neighbourhood in the centre of Amsterdam. The intention is for this new hotel, complete with a public restaurant and lobby, to become a  a place where both guests and locals can meet and socialise.


We decided to retell the story of the location’s rich history in the design of the hotel itself. Breaking down the programme into rooms on the one hand and facilities on the other, we created two characteristic buildings. One of these, a 52-metre high tower with concrete structure, will afford all the hotel’s rooms an excellent view of the city. The other, a 10-metre steel structure, will house its various utilities and facilities. The appearance of the inner structure is reflected in the buildings’ exterior, with details and materials all alluding to the site’s rich industrial and historic past.


Grid scaling 1

Grid scaling 2

Grid adapted to perception

ground floor

15th floor

Client Inntel Hotels

Programme 300 rooms hotel, restaurant, conference centre, spa

Team Asier Celaya
Jon Eseverri
Matthijs Hesta
Ron Jansen
Josje Landman-Bollen
René Berbee
Volker Ulrich

Size 13,500m2

Year 2016 – 2020

Collaborators Heijmans Woningbouw
Cauberg Huygen
Linthorst Techniek
Van Rossum
Bureau Veldweg

Status Under construction

Architect VURB architects

Image credits VURB Architects
Stijn Bollaert
Egbert de Boer

Next project

Student Experience Minervahaven

A home for international students that energises the harbour area
